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PUNKS, ep.4 - Mes Quins

de Veioza Arte  |  7 decembrie, 2009

Twas a cold winter day in 2008, when Ovidiu Chihaia and Silviu Gherman decided to start up a band – Mes Quins, a synth-pop effort with disco overtones based in Bucharest, Romania. In his youth, Chihaia, a precocious guitar-player, had been part of various underground Bucharest acts (Pure, Guillotines and Hotel Fetish), thus enriching the band with valuable showbiz know-how, a skill that Gherman didn’t have. Besides a passion for electronic sounds, Gherman had been acting in various TV commercials and writing books. In fact, Mes Quins’ very first concert was at a release party for Gherman’s second book.


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Un răspuns la “PUNKS, ep.4 – Mes Quins”

  1. sancio pandea spune:

    multumim miron giu!

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