LALELE, LALELE - prima premieră a anului la MACAZ
CinePOLSKA – filme poloneze la București
PEOPLE OF ROMANIA se lansează la galeria Simeza
All Stars For Outernational
La drum cu tata, un road movie plin de candoare, din 3 februarie în cinematografe

Liminal Talks: ★ Maria Guță - World VR Forum - by Modulab @POINT

de Veioza Arte  |  10 noiembrie, 2017

Maria Guta was born in Bucharest, Romania, where she made her practice in fields such as visual communication, art direction and fine arts. She moved to Switzerland in 2010 and in 2015 she completed a Master`s degree in Art Direction and Photography at ECAL (Lausanne).
Attracted by identity-related topics, she explores the human desire for cyberself-optimisation and the capacity of building virtual selves as alternative, upgraded identities. Using at first photography as main medium, she often places herself both behind and in front of the camera as a manner of exploring the phenomenon of self-representation today. Seeing it as an extension of both cyberspace and “real” world, her work has opened up to new tools and horizons with VR.
She is currently researching and developing personal projects in virtual reality, while working as Director of Programming for the World VR Forum, an international organisation dedicated to VR/AR and based in Geneva.
Liminal is a Bucharest-based festival and year-round project of ideas and experiences to inspire and engage people to evaluate the role and impact of new technologies over their lives.
This year’s theme is The Good Life and in this edition we investigate, across three main events, an exhibition, a night of talks and a hackathon, how technology is reconfiguring our ideas about what it means to be human, live well and do good.
Liminal is a project created by Modulab.
What vision of the good life compels us and how can we commit to it for a better future? One of the questions the panel of six local and international thinkers working across art, science and technology answered at Liminal Talks. Also, the launch of our gorgeous publication took place, MINDCRAFT Stories, a one of a kind exhibition catalogue and a printed preamble of MINDCRAFT Stories online platform which is about to set off later this year. 
MINDCRAFT Stories is a special project by Modulab in partnership with BRD Groupe Societe Generale which aims to spotlight important scientific and technological phenomena in our culture.


(Interviu) Șuie Paparude a lansat clipul “Omul de gheață”

de Veioza Arte

Trupa Șuie Paparude, una dintre cele mai iubite și apreciate formații din România, a lansat OMUL DE GHEAȚĂ – un single...

Nava Spațială @NOISESSIONS 2

de Veioza Arte

powerd by ODK HYBRID BAR

Liminal Talks: ★ Constantin Vică - Research Centre in Applied Ethics- by Modulab @POINT

de Veioza Arte

Constantin Vică is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and researcher at the Research Centre in Applied Ethics,...

Liminal Talks: ★ Ștefan Tiron - The Space Agency for Nocturnal Journeys to the Origins of the Universe- by Modulab @POINT

de Veioza Arte

Stefan Tiron is an artist living and working between Bucharest and Berlin. He is the founder and co-curator of The Space Agency...

Liminal Talks: ★ Rachel Uwa - School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe - by Modulab @POINT

de Veioza Arte

School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe was founded by Rachel Uwa. Rachel is an artist, educator, and organiser whose...

Liminal Talks: ★ Abby Rose - Tech for Good Global - by Modulab @POINT

de Veioza Arte

Abby Rose is a physicist farmer who thinks ecological farming is the key to a resilient future. Abby started in her twenties...

Cafeneaua Antreprenorilor @Nod Maker Space

de Veioza Arte

Cafeneaua Antreprenorilor a pus sub lumina reflectoarelor o serie de practici antreprenoriale, atât din Olanda cât și din...

Republica Moldova, între lumi

de Veioza Arte

Filmul "Republica Moldova, între lumi” prezintă publicului larg situația socio-politică actuală din Republica Moldova,...

Lansare ROMAN TOLICI carte de artist

de Veioza Arte

Mobius Gallery în parteneriat cu  Editura Pandora M și Asociatia Kontakt au lansat în noiembrie, 2016 Cartea de artist...

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