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Simultan Festival, 2011

de veiozaarte  |  30 septembrie, 2011  |  0 comentarii

The Simultan Festival is an annual festival for video, media art, experimental music and a/v projects.
The festival wishes to sustain and to stimulate the creative ways of the most modern visions of perceiving and recording the cultural realities in contemporary art. It presents the current processes and the way in which technology and society give rise to new forms of artistic expression by using the new media.

SIMULTAN FESTIVAL #7 – „Imaginary”
6-8 oct. 2011 timisoara. romania

In the seventh edition of Simultan Festival, we would like to explore the possibilities and the limits of the imaginary. We are interested in the ways in which the circumstances of the real world that we inhabit determine the forms of the imaginary, and we want to make this interest visible both in the selection criteria for the videos that will be presented in the festival, as well as in the events of the festival. We wish to ask questions such as: Whose imaginary shapes the future? or What nurtures imagination in a world in which information that we have access to is filtered through search engines and it is manipulated through mass media?
The world we live in abounds in manifestations of the imaginary. We are surrounded by the promises of a limitless technological progress that constantly moves the boundaries of the possible. Publicity with its world of illusions permeates every aspect of life. Also, evasion is made possible to us (at least to some of us) in numerous ways: theme parks, computer games, global tourism with its islands of exclusivist well-being. But what is the finality of this kind of imaginary, whose potential seems unlimited, but which is not touching in any way the status quo, which is not attempting at all to change a reality which is most often disappointing, frightening, unfair?
In opposition with imagination as evasion – which is constantly encouraged –, other types of imaginary are most often labeled as naïve, idealistic and without any possibility to be made real. For example, this is how it is presented in the mainstream media, especially in these times marked by the financial crises, the possibility of a society in which every person would enjoy his/her right to a decent life.
In this edition of Simultan, we would like to explore the imaginary that opposes the hallucinatory effect of fantasy as sterile evasion from a more and more oppressive reality. We wish to reflect on the imaginary as an essential tool in education, as an engine for a concrete creativity, as a plan for change, as a means to invent possible worlds.


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