– conferinta Bogdan Ghiu –
(for English please scroll down)
Nu dinspre arta, dinspre creativitatea artistica ar trebui relansat de fapt intregul sistem de invatamant, pentru a-l centra cu adevarat pe cercetare?
Epistemologic-institutional, sistemul de invatamant n-ar trebui reorientat mai curand spre cel de arta, spre spiritul contemporan al artei, singurul cercetator? N-ar trebui sa recunoastem, azi, in arta, singurul loc in care se reschiteaza cercetarea, ca, tocmai, creatie colectiva, deschisa, transversala?
Cu atat mai mult cu cat invatamantul propriu-zis artistic se vede, prin noua reforma a invatamantului, retrogradat ierarhic si exclus, culmea, de la cercetare.
Dar tinand cont de pozitia strategica a artei in capitalismul semiotic-creativ, contemporan, invatamantul artistic n-ar trebui el insusi restructurat in consecinta, recunoscandu-i-se importanta?
Bogdan Ghiu este poet, teoretician, critic cultural, traducator. Fost student al lui Derrida, a publicat saisprezece carti si a tradus in limba romana Bataille, Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, Bourdieu, Baudrillard, Bergson, Ricoeur, Veyne, Rorty, Baudelaire, Artaud, Duras etc. A obtinut premiul Uniunii Scriitorilor si este unul din editorii revistei IDEA arta + societate.
Evenimentul face parte din proiectul Educratia, o platforma de cercetare asupra sistemului educational artistic. Fiind cu totii studenti, suntem martorii, dar si produsele acestui sistem educational, cu toate defectele si oportunitatile inerente. Dar in ciuda unei perspective viciate, intr-o anumita masura, de pozitia asumata, rolul Educratiei este sa cartografieze o stare de fapt, punand in lumina chestiunea responsabilizarii, in contextul miscarilor sociale recente. Urmarim sa identificam atat puncte nevralgice, cat si potentiale solutii prin intermediul acestui cadru de intalnire si dialog.
Educratia este un proiect AAA+, realizat cu sprijinul Centrului de Introspectie Vizuala.
AAA+ este un colectiv care opereaza la intersectia dintre curatoriat si practica artistica, concentrandu-se pe rolul social al artei contemporane. Format ca o reactie la starea actuala a scenei locale si urmarind medierea dintre public si arta, interesele colectivului graviteaza in jurl conditiilor de productie si expunere a artei si culturii vizuale contemporane, punand accent pe o analiza teoretica a acestora. Fondat in 2010, AAA+ este format din Carla Albert, Dan Angelescu, Simina Neagu si Ioana Stan.
Centrul de Introspectie Vizuala este o platforma independenta generata de artistii Anca Benera, Arnold Estefan, Catalin Rulea si istoricul de arta Alina Serban. Reactionand critic fata de cadrele institutionale restrictive prezente in sfera culturala romaneasca, Centrul de Introspectie Vizuala a fost conceput ca centru independent de promovare a productiei artistice aflate la granita dintre teoria culturala, cercetare, arhitectura, design si experiment sonor. Termenul de “introspectie” plaseaza CIV pe pozitia de agent-observator, al carui principal rol este de a dezvolta modele specifice de relationare a spatiului social cu cel al artei.
Parteneri: UAP, Club Control, Shift Pub
Parteneri media: CriticAtac, Revista 22, Radio Romania Cultural, Radio Guerrilla, ArtClue, Sapte Seri, Zile si nopti, TATAIA, Observator cultural, 9am.ro, WebPR.ro, hipmag.ro, modernism.ro, veiozaarte.ro, artboom.ro, neaparat.ro, metropotam.ro, artactmagazine.ro, gingergroup.ro,stiupecineva.ro
Multumiri lui Bogdan Ghiu, George Capoianu, Vladimir Ceptureanu, Vedei Popovici, Roxanei Danaila, Danielei Diaconu.
– Bogdan Ghiu conference –
Shouldn’t art and artistic creativity actually kickstart the entire educational system, in order to truly focus it on research?
Shouldn’t the educational system both epistemologically and institutionally be reoriented towards the art system and towards the contemporary spirit of art, the only one aimed at research? Shouldn’t we acknowledge nowadays that art is the only locus where research is re-sketched, precisely as a creative, open and transversal creation?
Even more so when art education is hierarchically demoted and excluded from research, through the new educational reform.
But taking into account the strategic position of art in the semio-creative, contemporary capitalism, shouldn’t art education be accordingly restructured, thus recognising its importance?
Bogdan Ghiu is a Romanian poet, essayist, cultural theoretician and translator. A former student of Jacques Derrida, he is the author of sixteen books and translator of Bataille, Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, Bourdieu, Baudrillard, Bergson, Ricoeur, Veyne, Rorty, Baudelaire, Artaud, Duras etc. He received the Writers’ Union Prize and he is one of the editors of the IDEA arts + society magazine.
This event is part of the project Educracy, a research platform on the artistic educational system. Since we all are students, we are the witnesses, but also the products of the current educational system, with its inherent flwas and opportunities. But despite this biased view, due to our assumed position, the role of Educracy is to map out a status quo, shedding light on the question of responsibility, in the wake of recent social movements. We attempt to identify weak points, as well as potential solutions through this framework for meeting and dialogue.
Educracy is a project organized by AAA+, supported by the Centre for Visual Introspection.
AAA+ is a collective that operates at the intersection between curatorial and artistic practice, focusing on the social role of contemporary art. It was formed as a reaction to the current state of the local scene and aims at mediating between art and its audience. Its interests are concerned with the conditions of production and exhibition of contemporary art and visual culture, based on their theoretical analysis. Founded in 2010, the collective is co-run by Carla Albert, Dan Angelescu, Simina Neagu, Ioana Stan.
Centre for Visual Introspection is an independent platform generated by artists Anca Benera, Arnold Estefan, Catalin Rulea and art historian Alina Serban. Reacting critically to the restrictive institutional frameworks present within the Romanian cultural sphere, Centre for Visual Introspection was conceived as an independent centre for promoting the artistic production at the borders of cultural theory, research, architecture, design and sound experiment. The term “introspection” points CIV as an observing agency whose main focus is to develop specific models of interlinking the social space with the art space.
Partners: UAP, Club Control, Shift Pub
Media partners: CriticAtac, Revista 22, Radio Romania Cultural, Radio Guerrilla, ArtClue, Sapte Seri, Zile si nopti, TATAIA, Observator cultural, 9am.ro, WebPR.ro, hipmag.ro, modernism.ro, veiozaarte.ro, artboom.ro, neaparat.ro, metropotam.ro, artactmagazine.ro, gingergroup.ro, stiupecineva.ro
Special thanks go to Bogdan Ghiu, George Capoianu, Vladimir Ceptureanu, Veda Popovici, Roxana Danaila, Daniela Diaconu.
Centre for Visual Introspection
Str. Biserica Enei, nr. 16, sector 1, Bucuresti (zona Universitate, langa Facultatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism „Ion Mincu”)

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