Yoyo Video Contest 2012 - editia toamna, by Juggler.ro
Mereu ti-am starnit imaginatia cu cele mai dorite yoyouri, te-am provocat la cele mai dificile trickuri, cu cele mai deocheate accesorii.
E randul tau, din nou, sa iti potolesti setea de adrenalina si ne rasplatesti curiozitatea in cea mai asteptata competitie in materie de yoyo spinning – Yoyo Video Contest 2012, editia de toamna.
Daca joci in liga celor avansati te premiem cu vouchere de pana la 400 ron valabile in magazinul Juggler.ro, numai bune pentru ca tu sa iti personalizezi stilul de joc cu cele mai tentante articole, iar daca esti intermediar iti dam cadou un YYF Grind Machine, YYF Velocity sau YYF Whip si garantia ca invartindu-le, vei ajunge printre cei mai buni.
Esti gata? Pe degete…da-i drumul la spin! Afla tot despre premii, arbitri si cele mai noi detalii pe pagina de facebook a a concursului Yoyo Video Contest 2012 .
Regulamentul concursului il gasesti aici .
Sponsori: Juggler.ro | Yoyofactory Europe | Yoyobox.ro | Lords of the boards
We always sparked your imagination with the most wanted yoyos, challenged you to perform the difficult tricks, with the best accessories on market.
Now, it’s your turn to quench your anxiety for adrenaline and reward our curiosity in the most expected competitionin terms of yoyo spinning – Video Yoyo Contest 2012 autumn edition.
If you play in the advanced league we will reward you with vouchers up to 400 ron available in Juggler.ro store, so that you can customize your playing style with the most tempting items.
If you are an intermediate your gift will be either a YYF Grind Machine yoyo , a YYF Velocity yoyo or a YYF Whip yoyo and the guarantee that with their help, you’ll be among the best.
Are you ready? Strech your fingers … spin & roll! Read all about the awards, arbitrators and the latest details on the Facebook event page – Video Yoyo Contest 2012.
Sponsors: Juggler.ro | Yoyofactory Europe | Yoyobox.ro | Lords of the boards

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