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[video] Richard Stallman - "Free software and your freedom" at the launch of Fundația Ceata

de veiozaarte  |  28 februarie, 2013  |  1 comentariu

Dr. Richard M. Stallman, the founder of the GNU project and president of the Free Software Foundation. Since 1983, Richard Stallman has been the main promoter of the computer user freedoms.

At the launch of Fundația Ceata on 02/22/2013, Richard Stallman gave a nontechnical speech entitled „Free Software and Your Freedom” and talked about the Free Software Movement and how important it is that users have the freedom to cooperate and control their own computer.

this videos are licensed under CC-BY-ND


Un răspuns la “[video] Richard Stallman – „Free software and your freedom” at the launch of Fundația Ceata”

  1. […] Software Foundation) a ţinut un discurs cu ocazia lansării oficiale a Fundaţiei CEATA. Cei de la Veioza Arte l-au urcat pe net, ocazie cu care mă pot amuza din nou la revederea tipei din dreapta pupitrului, cea care pare […]

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