One World Romania, 2014 - Interviu cu Marcel Lozinski
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Marcel Lozinski s-a nascut in 1940 la Paris. Inainte sa se inscrie la Scoala de Film din Łódź in 1967, Lozinski a absolvit...
One World Romania, 2014 - Interview with Filip Remunda
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- co-director of "Free Smetana" - With a permanent marker in hand, Olomouc bus driver Roman Smetana takes on the corruption...
One World Romania, 2014 - Interviu cu Claudiu Mitcu
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- regizor Reteaua - In Romania, bolnavii de cancer nu pot beneficia de medicamente citostatice nici gratuit, asa cum prevede...
One World Romania, 2014 - Interviu cu Matei Budeș
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- regizor Toamna Romaneasca - Toamna trecuta, romanii au iesit in strada - in Romania si in afara ei - pentru a protesta...
One World Romania, 2014 - Interview with Marouan Omara & Bilgehan Ozis
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- director | producer of CROP - Shot entirely on location inside Egypt’s oldest and most important national daily,...
One World Romania, 2014 - Interview with Hasan Metehan Ozkan
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- producer of My Child - My Child presents an inspiring group of Turkish parents of LGBT individuals, who have gone through...
One World Romania, 2014 - Interview with Petr Sourek
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- CEO of Corrupt Tour - Corrupt Tour is the first corruption specialist tour company in the world. The corruption tourism...
One World Romania, 2014 - Interview with Dominic Dowbekin
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- associate producer "Here be dragons" “It is in Europe but it’s hard to get to. I’ve seen some films made about...
One World Romania, 2014 - Interview with Eszter Hajdu
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- director of Judgment in Hungary - In 2008 and 2009, a group of Hungarian right-wing extremists committed a series of...
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