LALELE, LALELE - prima premieră a anului la MACAZ
CinePOLSKA – filme poloneze la București
PEOPLE OF ROMANIA se lansează la galeria Simeza
All Stars For Outernational
La drum cu tata, un road movie plin de candoare, din 3 februarie în cinematografe

One World Romania, 2014 - Interview with Susanna Helke

de Veioza Arte  |  1 aprilie, 2014

– director of American Vagabond –

How can one be gay in Middle America? When James’s father does not accept his homosexuality, he runs to San Francisco (‘the gayest city in the world’) with his boyfriend, Tyler. Rather than finding a gay community, they end up sleeping rough and struggling to make do alongside other homeless youths. What follows is a combination of hunger, loneliness, and a desperate if short-lived descent into prostitution.

Director Susanna Helke started the American Vagabond project when she learned that 20-40% of homeless youths in big American cities identify as sexual minorities. The title of the film is an homage to Agnès Varda’s fictionalized story Vagabond (1985). A film fit for the big screen, with atmospheric camerawork and memorable music, American Vagabond was selected for the Masters section at IDFA Amsterdam 2013.


One World Romania, 2014 - Interviu cu Marcel Lozinski

de Veioza Arte

Marcel Lozinski s-a nascut in 1940 la Paris. Inainte sa se inscrie la Scoala de Film din Łódź in 1967, Lozinski a absolvit...

One World Romania, 2014 - Interview with Filip Remunda

de Veioza Arte

- co-director of "Free Smetana" - With a permanent marker in hand, Olomouc bus driver Roman Smetana takes on the corruption...

One World Romania, 2014 - Interviu cu Claudiu Mitcu

de Veioza Arte

- regizor Reteaua - In Romania, bolnavii de cancer nu pot beneficia de medicamente citostatice nici gratuit, asa cum prevede...

One World Romania, 2014 - Interviu cu Matei Budeș

de Veioza Arte

- regizor Toamna Romaneasca - Toamna trecuta, romanii au iesit in strada - in Romania si in afara ei - pentru a protesta...

One World Romania, 2014 - Interview with Marouan Omara & Bilgehan Ozis

de Veioza Arte

- director | producer of CROP - Shot entirely on location inside Egypt’s oldest and most important national daily,...

One World Romania, 2014 - Interview with Hasan Metehan Ozkan

de Veioza Arte

- producer of My Child - My Child presents an inspiring group of Turkish parents of LGBT individuals, who have gone through...

One World Romania, 2014 - Interview with Petr Sourek

de Veioza Arte

- CEO of Corrupt Tour - Corrupt Tour is the first corruption specialist tour company in the world. The corruption tourism...

One World Romania, 2014 - Interview with Dominic Dowbekin

de Veioza Arte

- associate producer "Here be dragons" “It is in Europe but it’s hard to get to. I’ve seen some films made about...

One World Romania, 2014 - Interview with Eszter Hajdu

de Veioza Arte

- director of Judgment in Hungary - In 2008 and 2009, a group of Hungarian right-wing extremists committed a series of...

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